
Successful entrepreneurship

Successful entrepreneurship, isn’t that what everybody wants? Last year you have been busy recruiting customers, but unfortunately you still have few or no customers. The entrepreneur’s world is constantly changing, including selling your service or product. In order to be able to move successfully in the market, entrepreneurs must distinguish their service or product from their competitors. Entrepreneurs without a clear market strategy and who make little or no choices have been less successful in studies than entrepreneurs who do.

Quitting or continuing with your business? Hanging your head or sticking your head in the sand is not the best solution! Albert Einstein says, “At the heart of difficulties are opportunities.” After all, you are the drive of your company and you can change it yourself. Yes, I say that correctly. You are the service or product of your company. You are your own brand, including the marketing that you can use yourself.

By examining your company you become the expert of your own service or product. With us you will learn the new possibilities for your company in one day. We will brainstorm with you about building your personal branding. In this way, your sales marketing skills will come into their own, then you can acquire customers at full speed.

We will work with you on the following topics:
• Profile scan of your company
• Social selling marketing tool
• Building your personal branding
• Create content creations
• Use the right means of communication in social media
• Use punctuality to connect with your customer

Date: February 4
Location: Rhenen
Time: 9am to 3.30pm
Early bird: € 95.00 p. p
Regular Price: € 125.00 p.p.

Including tea or coffee, sandwiches and handy hand-out.